strange places
come out from hiding


Tattoo Isaiah 44 comes from the part of the book that is often called Deutero-Isaiah, or Second Isaiah.  It is believed to have been written by an anonymous prophet (in the “school” or “spirit” of Isaiah) in the mid-6th century B.C., just before the exile in Babylon ended.  He lived almost two centuries after the 8th century prophet Isaiah.
In our Bible study for Lent, Christ in the Strangest Places, our attention is especially drawn to verse 5:  “This one will say, ‘I am the Lord’s,’ another will be called by the name of Jacob, yet another will write on the hand, ‘The Lord’s,’ and adopt the name of Israel.”
This is a bold proclamation by the prophet that the exile is soon to end in more than one way.  All of the earth will be free to welcome the Lord.  Everyone can mark themselves as claimed by the Lord. 
I suppose the fellow in the photo has decided to mark himself with the lord he claims!


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