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“warfare to the last breath”

I became great

PeacockFor our final Lenten Bible study, we’re looking at 1 Kings 11.  There we’re introduced to the less-flattering side of Solomon, the king renowned for his wisdom.  In chapter 10, we’ve just been told that “King Solomon excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom” (v. 23).  (No hint of exaggeration there!)  We’re also told of his vast commerce in horses and chariots.

But what is this less-flattering side?  What should we expect from a man with untold wealth and power?  Apparently, he loves “many foreign women along with the daughter of Pharaoh” (v. 1).  His multitude of wives and lovers have “turned away his heart after other gods” (v. 4).  Deuteronomy, which was compiled at roughly the same time as our current book, issues a warning about the king.  Beware, “he must not acquire many horses for himself,” nor must he “acquire many wives for himself, or else his heart will turn away” (17:16, 17).
It seems some things never change.  We have men with power today who could echo the words put in Solomon’s mouth as the book of Ecclesiastes.  (Though they likely have less wisdom.) 
What about the rest of us?  We need not be captains of industry or have a litany of lovers for our hearts to be turned away after other gods.  What does dwell in our hearts?


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